Through these experiments, he encounters employees who either buy into the corporate language without question or feel secretly skeptical of it but comply to avoid backlash. As he reflects on his findings, he raises concerns over the superficiality of many DEI practices, wondering if they prioritize appearances over progress. His experiences suggest that while many organizations emphasize the importance of DEI, they might benefit from more thoughtful and authentic approaches that move beyond appearances and token gestures. Ultimately, his undercover journey underscores the complexities of DEI initiatives, hinting at the need for these programs to evolve and become more grounded in meaningful, real-world interactions. Follow Myflixer Comedy Movies for more.
Am I Racist? Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Am I Racist? (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Comedy, Documentary
Director: Justin Folk
Writer: Justin Folk, Brian A. Hoffman, Matt Walsh
Stars: Matt Walsh, Maryna Biletska, Robin DiAngelo