This unfolds the gripping tale of Dan Lawson, a seasoned detective from Chicago, who embarks on a transatlantic journey to Scotland. Tasked with collaborating with Scottish Detective Boyd, portrayed by Capaldi, Lawson delves into a perplexing case. A serial killer has resurfaced, haunting the tranquil streets of Scotland with eerily familiar patterns mirroring a cold case from Lawson’s past. With memories of an unsolved mystery haunting him, Lawson confronts his demons amidst the misty Scottish landscape. As the investigation unfolds, secrets unravel, pushing the detectives to their limits, and unraveling a web of deceit that stretches across continents. Follow Myflixer ru for more.
Damaged Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Damaged (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Crime, Drama
Director: Terry McDonough
Writer: Paul Aniello, Gianni Capaldi, Koji Steven Sakai
Stars: Samuel L. Jackson, Vincent Cassel, Gianni Capaldi